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Teatro di Torino: Der Barbier von Sevilla (Rossini

167 min | FSK 0
Probably the most famous Opera Buffa in music history, THE BARBER OF SEVILLE is an eternal source of joy. The director Vittorio Borelli, has set the action in its original context, during the time of Beaumarchais indicative of the change in social attitudes before, during, and after the French Revolution, but still fully adorn with powdered wigs and silk trousers. We are in Seville where the young and beautiful Rosina is kept locked up by her guardian, Don Bartolo, who intends to marry her in order to keep her dowry. However, Rosina is in love with the young Count Almaviva who, with the help of Figaro, will try everything to save her to finally be with his beloved.
  • RegieEvent Director, Vittorio Borrelli
  • Produktionsjahr2016
  • Dauer167 Minuten
  • AltersfreigabeFSK 0


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